
If you are fortunate enough to spend any time in Hawaii, you will experience one of its greatest traditions; that of ‘Talk Story.’ Talk Story happens anywhere, anytime two or more people share stories from their lives.

As a writer, talking story is a constant part of my life. My characters “tell” me the stories of their lives, their passions and dreams and their many adventures in the worlds they inhabit. In the process, these stories become transposed on the page to be shared in turn with you, the reader.

My current work-in-progress is a mystical fantasy novel set in ancient times where worlds overlap and magic still exists. A prophesy has drawn together four unlikely characters… the first two being a healer and her unicorn guardian and the second two: the last and greatest Seer and the aging warrior he has engaged as his bodyguard. These four embark on a quest that will test not only their courage, but through the course of which will force each of them to make choices that challenge the very core of who they think they are, individually and as a group.

Each time I sit down to write, I ask my Muse to take me into the world of my characters so that I can talk story with them. This is where the magic and the mystical meet.

To share in this magic… remember to take time to talk story. Who knows where it will lead you.

Aloha and a hui hou,

Susan Flemming